A listening ear when they need it

Most people are aware that TAYCT is the charity that runs Tetbury Youth Club; a thriving project currently offering 3 busy sessions a week to young people in Tetbury as well as projects, holiday activities and community events all focused around young people and families in the town. 

TAYCT also offers Mentoring. Mentoring provides a trusted and trained adult for young people to spend time with them, listen to them and help them to work through any challenges that they might be facing. In the 2023/24 academic year TAYCT fully funded a youth worker to work in SWR School one day a week offering both 1:1 mentoring for young people and also a lunchtime group for any young people who were struggling to make friends, settle at school or who wanted a safe and quieter space to spend their break time in. Throughout her year there, Becky worked with around 30 young people on a 1:1 basis plus another 15 through the lunchtime clubs. Feedback from the school, parents and most importantly the young people themselves, has been incredibly positive as to the impact that these sessions have had.

“I don’t know what we would have done without the sessions, they really helped her to feel happier at school and also at home where I noticed a huge difference. I worry about her as she is so quiet and doesn’t always talk much so knowing she has someone she likes to talk to makes me feel better about her mental health.”
— Parent of a young person working with our Mentor

TAYCT are pleased to announce that we have successfully applied for grants from the Gloucestershire Community Foundation, the Charles Russell Speechlys Foundation Community Fund, and the High Sheriff of Gloucestershire to allow Becky to continue her Mentoring work in SWR for the 2024/25 academic year. Fully funded by TAYCT, she will continue both the 1:1 work and the lunchtime sessions, supporting the school and working with young people to address their social anxieties, school avoidance, mental health and provide a trusted adult with a listening ear, when they need it.